If there were a degree bestowed
for surviving armed assaults,
I would have earned it ‘with honors,’
magna cum laude.
I am living lived through my fourth now,
although I’m not sure if
I will live for graduation.
If you test me, I bet I’d ace the exam:
I can tell the difference between
the voice of an F16, F35 and Apache helicopter.
I can immediately detect
whether a sound is
the shelling of tanks
or bombing from airplanes.
But with my degree has come
different types of syndromes:
phobia of the night,
hypersensitivity to the sound
of moving chairs
(or really any banging object),
insomnia from anticipating death.
I have also learned a few truths:
First: The world is hypocritical,
yet is full of hidden gems:
good people willing to speak out.
Second: Actual death is when you don’t
stand up for what is right.
And third: No matter what,
Palestine will always be my home.
Mentor: Pam Bailey