Conversations Sevanti Ninan: “There is a still a great scarcity of research on media practice in India” bySevanti NinanandSouradeep Roy
Conversations Divya Bharathi: “I don’t want people to be moved by my work, I want them to be politicised” byDivya BharathiandSouradeep Roy
Conversations Ruth Vanita: “The courtesan in popular Hindi cinema has been a marginalised figure in cinema studies.” byRuth VanitaandSouradeep Roy
Conversations Sarayu Srivatsa on Dom Moraes and their travelogue Out of God’s Oven bySarayu SrivatsaandSouradeep Roy
Conversations “There will be singing about the dark times” byFaisal Abu Alhayjaa,Sudhanva DeshpandeandSouradeep Roy