Seven months after the lynching of Pehlu Khan, came another incident of cow vigilantism. Ummar Khan, a dairy farmer was brutally murdered by ‘gau-rakshaks’ in Gopalgarh village of Rajasthan’s Alwar district. The mutilated body of the 35-year-old was found by the police near a railway track on the morning of November 10. Ummar, along with two other dairy farmers, Tahir Khan and Javed, were on their way to Bharatpur from Gahenkar village in Alwar, when they were stopped and surrounded by seven or eight people, who opened fire on them.
Sparking anger across Delhi and Jaipur, a number of civil society organizations held a citizens protest on November 15, 2017, at Bikaner House. Through the peaceful protest, citizens and civil society groups opposed the rule of mob in Rajasthan and demanded justice for the dairy farmer.