I have sturdily climbed
the taut ropes
in a series of bickering
life is that-
my mother's story is
that of partition of a country
homeland is just another
whiff of a dream.
Hills that come to me in readiness
Yes they do
but sometimes static
sometimes explosive
imploding in my dreams
they are esoteric
flights of fantasy
and in turbulent waters
amidst opacity
I dream
Call me wherever I am
in these hills
dressed in pines
and when the aroma
is missing
I weep for lost childhood
suddenly the dog barks
the raucous wind is another
testimony to permanence
Call Me Home
You said leave it
leave these hills
they have witnessed
blood, anger
but standing steadfast
on sturdy rocks
I see love
in nothingness
call me home please
once again
The anatomy of desire
lies in these jagged mountains
the monoliths are lugubrious
I want to wish away
every dream
in minutiae of tight moments