Courtesy India Resists
Kanhaiya reminded the JNU student body, along with the rest of India, that JNU would not allow Rohith Vemula’s legacy to be forgotten. If he were alive today, we believe Rohith would have stood up to defend Kanhaiya and JNU in the same terms. We remember him through a poem he wrote, titled ‘One Day’:
One day you will understand why I was aggressive.
On that day, you will understand
why I have not just served social interests.
One day you will get to know why I apologized.
On that day, you will understand
there are traps beyond the fences.
One day you will find me in the history.
In the bad light, in the yellow pages.
And you will wish I was wise.
But at the night of that day,
you will remember me, feel me
and you will breathe out a smile.
And on that day, I will resurrect.
Courtesy Raiot